Monday 29 October 2012

Excuses Excuses

"It's time to get real and ditch our excuses!"

So with every intent to blog about all of the pre season and warm up activities I already find myself behind... So I shall cut my losses and start with the warm up activities, the first one being to document all of the excuses that have been holding us back from a fit and healthy lifestyle. The theory being that everything that is holding me back is all due to the way I think. Very similar to cognitive behavioral therapy about changing your thinking so that you don't get as anxious or depressed. It makes sense that this can be extended to why I'm not putting into practice the theory that I know. Michelle broke these into 3 categories or types of excuses: internal, external under our control, and external out of our control.

  • I'm too tired
  • Work has been too hard
  • I will never get fit so why bother?
  • If I don't eat this chocolate bar right now everything will get worse
  • I'm not good enough
  • It's not worth it if it isn't a full hour worth of exercise
  • Its not having any affect so why bother?
  • Exercise is too hard
  • Cooking a healthy meal takes too long
  • But I really want comfort food
  • I'm not motivated
External under my control
  • it's too hot
  • It's too cold
  • It's raining
  • I don't have time
External outside of my control
  • Something blows up at work and I have to work late
  • Something blows up at work and I have to do a nightly deployment and am too tired to exercise the next day
  • Family emergency
  • Surprise family dinner because cousins are in town
Hmm interesting.


So I'm going to get back to going to the gym in the morning. When I was doing it last year and early this year I found it quite beneficial, because I didn't have time to talk myself out of it in the morning. I now have the car back so I can easily get to the gym, so there goes that excuse. And given I'm busy quite a few nights at the moment, it's better to get it over and done with in the morning.


Sunday 14 October 2012

Warm Up Week 3 Challenge Results

So how did the week go?

Monday: zero. Challenge came out during the day and I had toastmasters on that night.

Tuesday: 2.75km. Walked from North Melbourne station into work this morning, only took me 25 minutes so this is definitely something that is doable, as long as I'm running on time in the morning. Total: 2.75km

Wednesday: 16km. Walked from North Melbourne station again (2.75km) walked to and from the gym (2.5km) and rode 10.75km at the gym. The bike at the gym had a cool monitor attached which you could log into and ride certain routes. It's kind of like a game, you can compete against yourself in previous rides so tht you can see if you're improving. Made it more fun and only took me just over half an hour for the ride. Total: 18.75km

Thursday: zero. Had an Agile meetup after work, and didn't walk in the morning. It's funny how that happens, do a big work out and then think that it's ok to not do anything the next day. That's probably one of the negative thought patterns that I have going on, relating to both food and exercise. One good day or meal or activity and then I think it's ok to have a treat or be slack and watch tv.

Friday: again zero. Finally got my car back from my ex husband though which makes it easier to get to the gym or any activity really.

Saturday: 12.5km. 11.8km on the bike, same bike with the computer screen. Did two new routes though so I didn't get to see if I beat any previous times, but it was interesting to see the different 'scenery' on the routes. Then finished with 700m on the rower to bring it up to 12.5km. Total: 31.25km

Sunday: no km but I did do an hours yoga class which felt nice to stretch out the muscles that weren't exactly used to the level of exercise I did this week regardless of how capable I am in performing it.

It felt amazing to actually get over the 30km and it was clear that it was a mindset thing rather than a capability thing. I can clearly do it, especially if I break it up into smaller chunks and reality is that it didn't take me exceptionally long to do it, especially on the bike. Nice confidence boost though.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Warm Up Week 3 Challenge

This week I am setting you an exercise challenge. I want you to walk, swim, cycle, row, run 30km this week. Break it down into small chunks. You might walk 5km on monday, cycle 10km on Tuesday, swim 1km on Wed. Etc... Mix it up, keep it interesting, try something new! Oh and driving in your car does NOT count!

... And this is a warm up challenge??? Holy moly...

Ok, I'm breathing again. 30kms is totally doable right? Talk about challenges though. Interesting to see my mind immediately go straight to "no way!" instead of "how can we do this?"

I think it's the distance that scares me because that's not something I work with often, 9/10 it is the time spent doing the activity e.g. Half an hour on the bike or elliptical, 10 minutes on the step machine, half an hour walk. I don't normally pay attention to how far I go during the time spent on that activity and cause I have no awareness of it now 30km seems like a lot.

But is it?

Sure, if I tried to swim that I'd be dead, but walking/biking/elliptical should be more than doable. I know I can do 10km pretty easily/quickly on the bike, so a couple sessions on that should make a large dent in it. Combine that with walking some of the way to work and I should knock it off relatively easily. Planning on Wednesday being one of the bike sessions, so that will give me a good indication on whether 2 or 3 bike sessions are required.


Tuesday 9 October 2012

So, why do I want to start a blog?

I turn 30 in April and have tried to lose weight since I became body conscious at around the age of 15, and if anything I just got bigger. I have lost some weight, getting down to about 90kgs each time, but then I either lose patience with it, relax a bit from it or life blows up and the weight either gradually or quickly creeps back on.

In primary/high school I was always bigger than most of the other girls. Going to an all girls school probably didn't help either because girls can be really cruel and pick on anyone who is different. I don't recall being too self concious about it until about age 14 or so, and as a result started going to the gym. I don't remember making the connection between weight and food until much later, not sure why, just never really came up.

At my heaviest I was 110kgs or so. My lightest that I can remember was 84 and that was when I was 15 and going to the gym a lot. I remember being so proud of it, and then went on a trip with the family to Sydney and put on 6 kilos very quickly. That was the first time I remember being so discouraged at it.

Dad has always been overweight and my sisters and I were also overweight for a large portion of our childhoods. Even though chocolate and chips were sometimes food, they were always readily available at home, so why have fruit when you can have something that is tastier? Even the extended family were on the larger side, a second cousin once commented that family reunions were always a "bouncing off the boobs" event. I guess this contributes a bit to not thinking that it's a bad thing to be so overweight.

By the end of high school I had become increasingly aware and ashamed of my size and shape but didn't really know what to do about it, it was all too hard to deal with, too complicated, and I was probably too afraid of failing. This continued through to uni and my honors year, where I did what most uni students do and gained even more weight, bringing me up to 110kgs by the end of my honors year. At this point I got a job in Singapore so moved over there, into a long distant relationship, and into living out of home for the first time. This is also when I remember my first series of dieting beginning in earnest. My youngest sister had started on the south beach diet and lost quite a bit of weight, so I tried it myself too. It was great, lost 7kgs in 3 weeks, which of course has set up the mindset of the quick and easy win with weight loss, regardless of how sustainable or unsustainable it is. I still carry with me the mindset that slow weightless is bad and get unmotivated very quickly it feels like. Overall while I was in Singapore I lost 20kgs, which was great, but then I moved back home, got into another relationship, and the weight started coming on again.

Then the family was rocked by the diagnosis of cancer for my youngest sister. This continued for 3 years until she passed away in 2009. In that time I got married, was back down to 90kgs, but then she passed away and I coped by emotionally eating for a few years. I know I still have issues with this.

This year, it feels like things are different. I left my husband in May, and I'm trying to take back control of my life. I am now sitting at 102kgs so not the heaviest I've been but still not great.

Diet I know I need to improve. Exercise I know I need to do better in, but the thing that I really think I need to focus on is the mindset/mental issues. I've never really looked at those before, all I've done is try to hide away and ignore any of them,nthinking that if i do that then they'll just go away. Clearly they haven't and clearly they need to be addressed so that I can be the best person I can be. I'm not aiming for tiny, I'm not aiming for super skinny, I'm aiming for healthy, for fitness, for strength. I want to be resilient, self reliant, My best self.

They say that you should do the thing that scare you, that way you know it's going to be worth it, and you'll learn something from it. So as a challenge to myself I have signed up for Michelle Bridges' 12 week body transformation course, which starts in mid november. The dates for it were almost enough to put me off doing it, to be honest. It's over Christmas. There'll be Christmas parties not to mention Christmas say and New Years. But then I had a voice in my head tell me that were those 5 or 6 days enough to make me put off getting healthier for another 3 months? And then that'll put the next one over my birthday and Easter, so I guess thre is never really a right time to do it. So I have accepted that on the days that there are parties I won't be perfect at following the program, and that's ok. Life has to happen too right? And I'll just make sure there is extra exercise in there, and I pick right back up the next day... Let's see how that goes...

So, that then brings us to why a blog? I figure if I put this in a public ish forum, give the link to my fellow 12WBTers so they can provide input, as well as accountability to me that I'm more likely to stick with it, and sort through some of the mental issues that are bound to come up. Plus it gives me apace to vocalise my struggles, achievements, issues, questions, ponderances. Use this blog like a journal, where I can write what I'm feeling, however I'm feeling it, but keeping me more accountable than a pen and paper journal.

That's where I'm at right now. In the middle of the warm up, before the pre season, before it all starts in November. Am I nervous? Yes. Do I think I can do it? I'm not really sure, but I know that I want try it, and I know that it'll challenge me, and I know I'll learn from it regardless of what happens.