Sunday 14 October 2012

Warm Up Week 3 Challenge Results

So how did the week go?

Monday: zero. Challenge came out during the day and I had toastmasters on that night.

Tuesday: 2.75km. Walked from North Melbourne station into work this morning, only took me 25 minutes so this is definitely something that is doable, as long as I'm running on time in the morning. Total: 2.75km

Wednesday: 16km. Walked from North Melbourne station again (2.75km) walked to and from the gym (2.5km) and rode 10.75km at the gym. The bike at the gym had a cool monitor attached which you could log into and ride certain routes. It's kind of like a game, you can compete against yourself in previous rides so tht you can see if you're improving. Made it more fun and only took me just over half an hour for the ride. Total: 18.75km

Thursday: zero. Had an Agile meetup after work, and didn't walk in the morning. It's funny how that happens, do a big work out and then think that it's ok to not do anything the next day. That's probably one of the negative thought patterns that I have going on, relating to both food and exercise. One good day or meal or activity and then I think it's ok to have a treat or be slack and watch tv.

Friday: again zero. Finally got my car back from my ex husband though which makes it easier to get to the gym or any activity really.

Saturday: 12.5km. 11.8km on the bike, same bike with the computer screen. Did two new routes though so I didn't get to see if I beat any previous times, but it was interesting to see the different 'scenery' on the routes. Then finished with 700m on the rower to bring it up to 12.5km. Total: 31.25km

Sunday: no km but I did do an hours yoga class which felt nice to stretch out the muscles that weren't exactly used to the level of exercise I did this week regardless of how capable I am in performing it.

It felt amazing to actually get over the 30km and it was clear that it was a mindset thing rather than a capability thing. I can clearly do it, especially if I break it up into smaller chunks and reality is that it didn't take me exceptionally long to do it, especially on the bike. Nice confidence boost though.


  1. Congratulations on achieving 30km. You had such a big day on Wednesday - that's really impressive. You are right about having the right mindset. I found that completing the challenge was about believing it was possible plus making a good plan.

    1. Hey Jessica, you're absolutely right. It wasn't bad as soon as you broke it down into manageable chunks instead of focusing on the bigger number. Of course, sticking to the plan also helped ;)
