Monday 19 November 2012

Kitchen Makeover

Forgive me, I'm horribly behind in the posts but am trying to catch up. This was mainly written before the kick off but just a bit of tweaking to do.

This was an interesting task. So the 5th preseason task was to go through your kitchen and throw out anything that was bad for you. Interestingly I didn't have anything that needed to be thrown out. Conveniently I had done a pantry clean out about a month before and things were still pretty organized so I could easily see what I had. Plus I hadn't been grocery shopping for a couple of weeks so was running pretty low on supplies, but that happens when you live alone. Now I may be being naive here but I actually am pretty good at not buying crap when out shopping. However, what tricks me up is when I am out and about or at someone else's house, Saying no to snacks or choosing healthy lunches or not eating that chocolate bar when I am super stressed out at work is the harder part.

So here is hoping that once this all kicks off I have the willpower to say no to any offers, to eat my home made lunches even if I do go and sit and be social with the others at work during lunch, resist that chocolate bar no matter how stressed out I am getting (because really, it doesn't fix anything no matter how good tastes) and put myself first by eating healthy instead of eating what everyone else expects me to. I guess this ties in with the previous task of the more people you tell and get support from the more understanding that they'll be and hopefully think twice before offering a chocolate or pizza. And here's hoping that even if they do that I am strong enough to politely decline and suggest a walk instead.


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