Monday 19 November 2012

Say It Out Loud

The fourth task of pre-season was to Say It Out Loud and make a commitment to myself to complete the 12 Week Body Transformation program. A tactic that the program uses to ensure the commitment and increase accountability is to commit not only to ourselves but also to those around us, friends and family. I have to admit that this scares me a bit. The whole idea of not only admitting to those around me that I want to lose weight, but also tell them how I am going makes me almost feel like crying, definitely overwhelmed and scared.


I think that it is all tied up in "what if I fail?" Then it's public, then everyone else will judge me if I don't succeed, then people will ridicule me and make comments if they don't see any progress or if I dare eat a chocolate bar or something outside of the nutrition plan. I want to tell myself that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks but I am struggling to accept that. Something that I need to work through I guess.


In spite of it though, I have told work people, I have told family, I've even put it on Facebook though not sure how much I'll be putting on there about my progress as I go. Definitely don't want to admit my weight on there.


I do have mostly everyone that I have told being very supportive which is good, but still the fear remains.


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