Thursday 1 November 2012

Goal Setting

The second warm up task is to start setting some goals, and not only that, making them SMART: Specific, Measuresble, Achievable, Realistic, Time based. Then once these have been set, starting to break down how they will be achieved so that I have almost weekly targets to make and can assess on how I'm progressing and adjust course if needed. Now this is something that I have usually struggled with when it comes to goal setting, breaking it down and tracking the progress. Combine that with a fear of failing to reach the goals and I just hit the point where it was easier to not set the goals rather than risk failing, because staying where I am seemed easier than dealing with the disappointment of not meeting what I set out to do. And clearly that isn't working for me so it's time to try something different to get a different outcome.

3 Months (duration of 12WBT)

Do a fun run

Putting my fitness towards a good cause. I'm not a massive fan of running even though it is a good workout and good for me. My knees and ankles don't generally like it though so of the goals listed here I'm a bit concerned that I won't get this one done. However, that fear should not be a reason to not try it! That would be the bigger failure, to not start out of fear instead of needing to stop due to physical limitations.

Lose 5kgs

This is the main reason I am doing the 12WBT, I want to lose weight and be fitter. This means just under 2kgs a month which seems totally doable in my head, but then the voice starts saying "well you haven't done it yet so what makes you think you can now?" Pretty pathetic voice huh? That's why I need this program, gives me the guidelines and the rules and the structure so I just follow that and deal with any of the mental shit that comes up along the way. This ties into the bigger 12 month goal of being 20kgs lighter and will be a good stepping stone along that path.

Get up 1000 steps in under 30 minutes

The first time I did this was about 3 weeks ago now, and I did it in 35 minutes. I went with my friend Melissa, who encouraged/mushed/supported all the way up. She has done it many times, assures me that 35 minutes is a very respectable time. So I figure shaving 5 minutes off that time, in 3 months is a good goal. Will need to do it a couple more times in the meantime to gauge progress, so I figure once at the month mark, and again a month later, those seem like good intervals to measure it.

Do 20 blog posts for the 12wbt

One of the main reasons that I wanted to start this blog is to keep me accountable as well as provide an outlet for working through some of the mental crap that is holding me back and stopping me from being fit and healthy. This will only work if I blog regularly. So this goal is to blog 20 times during the course of the 12WBT including the warm up period. I'm already on 3 and yes I'm counting those too. Then there will be at least one a week during the 12 weeks, plus the remaining 5 warm up activities so I think it is definitely achievable as long as I keep on top of it and don't let it fall by the wayside.

6 Months

Go horse riding

I love horses. I love horse riding. I love being outside and riding through the bush and getting to know the movement and feel of the horse and their individual personalities. I just feel incredibly guilty about getting on my horse at 101kgs. I already battle with the whole ethics about using them for my own entertainment etc, add to that the weight and I just feel bad. So this goal is very much tied in with the lose 5kgs 3 month goal and the lose 20kgs 12 month goal as I won't do it unless I am 90kgs or lighter but its something that I love and that my weight has been preventing me from doing so I figured it was a good goal to get in there. I guess though it is more of a reward but I'm keeping it in here.

12 months

Be 20kgs lighter

Now this ties into the goal for 3 months to lose 5kgs, and conveniently breaks down into the same timeframe. It also ties into the horseriding 6 month goal as I don't want to do that if I'm still as heavy as I am now.


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