Monday 19 November 2012

Organize and Diarise

This is one that I am, surprisingly perhaps, struggling with. 3 months seems like such a long long length of time, and the idea of planning it all out in advance, especially the workouts is daunting. The crazy part is I have no problem booking social events into the future, it's just the workouts that kind of worry me a bit, or I'm resisting.
I'm making a lot of excuses over it:
  • I need a paper diary to be able to do it properly
  • I want to buy a pretty paper diary
  • My digital diary won't work (not entirely sure why on this one but it's there)
  • Omg there are so many events around Christmas that this is going to be a disaster and I can't bear to look at it! (yep this one is there too)
So I have compromised. I have entered in the next 3 weeks worth of exercise into my digital diary. In the mean time I will look for a pretty paper based one. I think the reason I want a paper based one is that it's not dependent on battery charge, or Internet connection, it is always there and able to be used/reviewed. When I used to have a paper based diary I would put sticky notes in it as a to do list manager thing, this could work well with the 12wbt as well, I can put motivational quotes in there, or big stickies noting my red flag days etc to help remind me.

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